Monday, July 19, 2010

Excuses, Promises, and Pancakes

3 four-day weekends in a row have really put a cramp on my vow to blog more.  Photo folders and stories galore are backing up, though, so when I catch up on laundry and bills and mail, I will talk your ears off.

For now, I ran through my photo archives for a quick, fun story, and found just the thing.

I recently found a fun website called Jim's Pancakes, a site where a guy named Jim makes fun pancakes for his little girl. Over Memorial Day weekend, Clint's daughter and son-in-law brought all of the fixin's for german pancakes, so I shared the site with them. Here's a photo of Jim's Ferris Wheel pancake:

(See them all at Jim's Pancakes!)

So taken was I with the Ferris Wheel pancake, that I asked Bill to make one for me, on Sunday morning. Here's Bill's Ferris Wheel pancake:

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I love it, don't you love it? A little difficult to butter and syrup up, but it was delicious!

Catch ya'll on the flip side.

(Flip side. Get it? Flipping pancakes....oh, forget it.)


  1. That's hilarious! You gotta give him points for even attempting something like that.

  2. He tried. He gets an A for effort.

  3. Anonymous1:22 PM


    Perfect! ;)


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