Monday, March 22, 2010

A Minute in the Life, again

I've been working on a few other posts, but just hit a wall when I went to upload video to Blogger. Does anyone know what happened to the little "filmstrip" button? Or, at least, what happened to mine? It's gone, no matter how much the Help menu tells me it's right there. It's not! That means uploading to YouTube first, and my carriage will be turning into a pumpkin soon, so I'll have to finish that up later.

In the meantime, Saturday's photos from around the world are really shaping up at A Minute in the Life. We had so much fun, once again, waiting for that one minute to roll around. I e-mailed Brian when I woke up reminding him to grab a 9:00 photo if he could. I was at lunch with Mom and Tim, and Clint was at work. We were buzzing all morning with reminder texts.

Here's a sneak peek at my photos. I was standing in a doorway between the restaurant and the kitchen.

You'll have to go to the website to see everyone else's; I don't want to give them all away! It's been really fun to watch the photos go up. I know so many people that participated; I'm loving finding out who played, where they were, and what they submitted. I love pouring over any photos, and I think all of the submissions are fascinating. I imagine each photo, and each turn, determining the exact spots of each photographer.

Go check it out!

If you participated but haven't sent your photos in, there's still plenty of time. Mr. Locraft is uploading each days' submissions as they roll in, and hasn't closed up shop yet! 


  1. I totally forgot. I was slightly hungover or asleep or eating lunch or maybe all three.

  2. gold and silver; those are amazing

  3. Geewits: Ohhhh, I wish you'd have handed your camera to your hubby! I'm imagining the "you-hungover" shot...and I don't care what was behind him.

    SS: That hadn't occurred to me. I looooooved yours; it still confuses me a bit, the mirror, the back shot, the looking over. It's Escher duo.

  4. I looked through all the posted pictures, I adore so many of them. And you're right it is fun to picture the scene where the person was standing.


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