Sunday, January 25, 2009

Awareness Test

Shamefully lifted off of Laurie's blog, but hey! I just gave her credit for posting it first, so it's ok, right? Right, Laurie?

I needed something to tide you over until I get back here, hopefully with a house report.

Focus, people.


  1. these are really great, there's a whole bunch of them! :)

  2. OMG! This is so funny...Wayne just showed us this very same video yesterday. May I interject that the message on it was huge - watch out for things you're not looking for!!! Us bicyclist's wives would sure appreciate it! :-)

  3. Yes, I've seen this before ... I'm glad to say I saw the bear the first run, but the point shouldn't be missed =)

  4. That's great! And no, I hadn't seen it. This doesn't bode well for cyclist. Good thing there aren't too many around at this time of year.

  5. I LOVE it when people steal posts or posts ideas from me. It makes me feel so smarty smarty.

  6. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I never saw the bear! I n-e-v-e-r saw the bear! AND I missed one pass of the ball! I gonna go eat worms...


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