Friday, August 22, 2008

New Art Skills: Resistance, Petulance, Resignation, Mastery

I'm not sure why it is that I always say I can't do a thing, when it comes to art. When it comes right down to it, I can pretty much do anything I have to do. Maybe that's the key: Motivation. I must have to do it.

My boss "motivated" me right in the pants this week, when he asked me if I could draw in Adobe Illustrator. In no uncertain terms, I told him No! "Get Elena to do it," I told him, of the project he needed. He did get Elena to do it.

And then he told me to start studying.

Crap. I can't do it! I don't wanna! I hate it! I hate everybody! I'm rather eat worms!


1. Find a photo:

(Shamelessy lifted right off of Danni's Blog without asking.)

2. Trace the photo with the bezier tool. This is the part I thought I couldn't do. To get a curvy line, you start out with a straight one, and bend and pull and stretch it, and things get all wanky sometimes.

Anyway, as I was saying, trace the photo. Save the drawing as .eps.
Hey Mikey....Maybe she can use the bezier tool!

3. Copy the file into Adobe Photoshop, and color it all purty. Burn & Dodge for Highlights.

This is kind of fun.

Don't tell my boss I said that.


  1. Dayum ... you made it look easy ... and it would frustrate the heck out of me.

  2. Hey, that's nice work. It take a while to get those curves right.

  3. You made that look way too easy. Now I guess I have no excuse. Way to go darnit.

  4. You figured this out in a week?! I've been avoiding trying for years. I'm jealous of your talent. But I know it couldn't possibly be fun. It just looks so hard!

  5. Very impressive......but can you do a NYC yellow taxi? LOL Just kidding, that process looks painful.Great job on all !!!

  6. King; Send me a pic, I need to stay out of the boss's hair, and I'm running out of brilliant ideas.

  7. is it as simple as it looks? I suspect not...and that you're really good at it..whilst I'ld be crap:)

  8. Use the cat on the head guy from my blog ...I'm sure your boss won't know WHAT to think of that !!

  9. I feel stupid. I'm a professional graphic artist and have never heard of this. Now I want to PLAY!

  10. Gah, that looks too good not to have a go. I must have that somewhere in the pile of applications I never looked at ~starts searching~ ...

  11. Wow! How cool is that. I wish I could do that.

  12. That is pretty neat-o. I wouldn't have fought it looks like a great skill to have.

    I have something for you at

  13. WHOA - did YOU do all those? I am SO impressed!!!!


  14. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I want to learn how to do neat stuff like that too! I could play for hours with a gizmo like that. Ppsshh! Like I've got hours to do anything. Nevermind.

  15. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Dadburn, you got mad skillz girl!

    That looks fun. You're making me want it now.

  16. Ok. You guys all try it, and show me your stuff.

    Thankx for the complementz.

  17. Hey! How come no one commented on how beautiful that original raspberry shot was! Shameless, indeed! :-)
    I have to say, I love the're one of those quick-study kinda gals, aren't you. The kind I'm always running after, trying to keep up with. LOL

  18. I've been dying to sink my teeth into photoshop but i've been terrified of it...but you make it look all so simple!

  19. I'll admit to being a quicker study if I have someone to show me a few ropes. Mucking through software and a tutorial just kills me.


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