Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving Eve

The veggies are chopped; dips are mixed, pies are cooling. There's a big fat turkey in the frig. The table is set, and the house is tidied to within an inch of it's life. On the small dining table sits the only Thanksgiving decoration I own, one Brian made when he was in Cub Scouts:

Everything's ready to go, I'm heading off to sleep.


One more thing.

A note.

My son is on the road right now, from Fort Benning, determined to get home for this holiday. He will be in town in the middle of the night, sometime. There are 2 friends accompanying him, and I can hardly wait to see them in the morning. Brian always left his notes to me in the middle of the floor, and tonight I do the same for him:

I have so much to be thankful for this holiday.

Have a great Thanksgiving, People!


  1. What a terrific post! I love your Thanksgiving decoration, too!

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and yours!


  2. Hi G

    "Happy Turkey Day!"...
    "Happy Turkey Day!"...
    "Happy, Happy,
    Happy, Happy,
    Happy, Happy,
    Happy, Happy,
    Happy, Happy,
    Happy, Happy,
    Turkey Day!"...

  3. I forgot to scroll down when I read your fishy post!!

    This post is heart wrenching... I know you're super duper proud of him though.


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