Typesetting I know. Easy Peasey. Silent Auctions: Never met one before in my life.
Since the event was on Sunday, I sat down Saturday night around 8:00 to do a little online research. (I do my best work under pressure.)I learned valuable things like "Cross reference your auction item to the bid sheet." I never would have thought of that, but it did make sure people went home with the right baskets. Thank God for the Internet.
I'm so excited to tell you that Pauline Trent's "Character in a Novel" was the highest earning item in the auction! Her character earned more than the motorcycle jacket and the helmet. Second runner up at the auction was a quilt made by friend and local military Mom, Kathy Wallig. My blog buddies and readers came through! Whoo hoo!
Joe Hubert coughs it up. He did, actually, buy the helmet and the jacket, and a bike helmet also.
Joe Hubert does not even own a motorcycle. He did tell his young son that he intends to wear the bike helmet when he takes walks around town. Joe Hubert apparently loves to torture his kids by embarrassing the hell out of them. He's good people.
We brought in over $1500 with silent auction items on Sunday afternoon; each was donated, and cost us nothing.
Thanks to everyone that participated!
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